Involve to evolve


Why involve customers and staff?

Satisfied customers increase turnover, satisfied staff increses margins. We provide the tools.

Lead customers: Recruit the best of your customers to work with you to develop your products and services.

Lead workers: Recruit the best of your workers to learn of development potential and to trim production.

Managers: Use these Lead Users for situational awareness, accurate Key Performance Indicators and more efficient developement.


Our tool: Louhin

Your tools and services for interacting with customers, workers and partners

Our services help you to find ways for developing with your customers and staff.

Our Louhin platform provides the required tools, e.g. mobile surveys, automated analysis and reporting, efficient discussion and tasking tools.

Are you a consultant or do you have an internal customer insight service. Do you want to learn more? Call us.

Our legacy (yet living) products include:


TrendWiki The tool for collecting and analyzing weak signals and trends.

Text Miner

Text Miner Discover trends and themes in unstructured textual content.


We are data analysis professionals

with a relaxed attitude

Sampsa Laine

Sampsa Laine CEO

Sampsa can turn your thoughts into overdrive. His enthusiasm is catching and makes you forget the convential methods and let ideas fly. Sampsa is always working towards the common goal and helping others achieve their best. Sampsa communicates best by singing and laughing.
Teppo Marin

Teppo Marin CTO

Teppo moulds the dreams and promises of other Rangers into concrete solutions. His clear mind creates organization from chaos. Teppo is the one who considers even those aspects that all others have neglegted. During his free time he applies his analytical mind in music and golf.

Our happy customers include:

  • Espoon Järjestöjen Yhteisö EJY ry
  • HSL
  • Kemira
  • Outotec
  • Philips
  • PostFinance
  • Taloustutkimus
  • Tekes
  • Tieto
  • TNS Gallup